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25th February 2021

It's green for go for the consultation on the Godley Green Garden Village proposal in Hyde.

The initial 6 week consultation period features the concept masterplan for the site including proposals for investment in high-quality homes, jobs, green spaces, services and facilities that will serve the area for decades. The consultation will run for 6 weeks to 26th March 2021.

A dedicated website – - has been launched to keep the public up to date and for booking consultation sessions with the project team.

Godley Green has been identified as an area of residential and economic growth, £10 million of grant funding from Homes England has been secured by the Council to assist in early funding of the project.

Continuum have been involved in the project since inception, developing the Housing Infrastructure Funding (HIF) bid on behalf of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, which was confirmed as being successful in February 2018. Continuum perform the roles of both project director and programme management officer alongside providing viability advice to the project.

Godley Green Garden Village Proposal
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