RTPI Award for Excellence

RTPI Award for Excellence at 2020 Awards
RTPI Award for Excellence at 2020 Awards

12th May 2020

Continuum are thrilled to have been recognised for their involvement alongside Wokingham Borough Council in the regeneration of Wokingham Town Centre.The town centre regeneration was awarded the excellence in planning for a successful economy  award at the 2020 RTPI awards.

The judges commented “This project is ahead of the game. It’s a transferable model for other town centres to boost their economies and community engagement. WBC had a very hands on approach in revitalising the town centre by taking a whole place approach, which positioned all involved for success. This approach is not only innovative but replicable throughout the country. The judges believe their financial model especially will have a long lasting contribution to creating a successful economy in the future.”

Murray Lloyd began his involvement on this project over 12 years ago and has worked from inception to delivery. He comments “the citation from the judges is very pleasing as it recognises the truly innovative approach taken in cross-funding regeneration projects that are not physically linked”. Murray continues to take an active role in the ongoing regeneration of Wokingham Town Centre.

The ambitious project aims to revitalise Wokingham Town Centre through the redevelopment of three key town centre sites with a range of new commercial units attracting and plethora of national and independent retailers. In addition to the commercial element, the project will deliver 215 homes creating a sustainable environment supporting a vibrant town centre community.
