Planning Consultancy

Continuum focus on giving high quality town planning advice, using wide ranging expertise to advise on potential planning strategies, the preparation and coordination of planning application submissions and negotiation with Local Planning Authorities. Our breadth of skills and knowledge creates a holistic approach to town planning issues, assessing planning strategies in the context of the commercial impact they may have not solely on a policy basis.

We advise clients on a range of planning matters that cover residential, commercial, logistics, leisure and civic uses.

We act for landowners, land promoters, developers, and the public sector in developing strategies for promoting land through the planning system, both through the allocations stage and formal planning applications. We also advise on development agreements and options agreements. We run competitive tendering exercises for clients on their land assets, making sure any deal entered into is transparent and deliverable.

Our successes include the promotion, allocation, and subsequent planning consent for a large logistics facility in Doncaster. We also work with a number of Local Authorities in the identification, promotion, and physical delivery of major transformational projects.

Planning application management & submission

We have extensive experience of managing the planning application process for a range of different development schemes including, mixed-use, residential, listed buildings, industrial and leisure. This includes working with clients and the design team to take schemes all the way from concept design through the pre-application process to the achievement of planning permission.

Post-submission management

We are experienced in managing the post-submission planning process, discharging relevant planning conditions and S106 obligations.

Submitting representations

Continuum have experience in submitting representations to achieve allocations in development plan documents which help to create opportunities for landowners to achieve planning permission for the change of use of their site to create additional value.

Planning policy

We carry out site analysis and undertake detailed planning appraisals to inform land purchase decisions for clients and as a tool to develop masterplans and development schemes.

S106 agreements

We are experienced in working in collaboration with public and private sector bodies to create S106 agreements for planning permissions.

Options agreements

We advise landowners and developers on the creation and implementation of options agreements relating to specific sites.

Heritage & listed buildings

Continuum are able to provide specialist advice regarding the complexities associated with the restoration and the sustainable future use of designated heritage assets.

Related Projects

Asset 4
Asset 5

“Continuum have been integral in managing the development process and securing funding for the Godley Green Garden Village project”

Head of Major Programmes

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council

"Following the appointment of Continuum, their professional and forensic review of viability cases has resulted in the Council being able to robustly challenge developers’ assertions relating to viability."

Head of Major Planning Projects

Trafford Council

“Continuum have been an integral part of the Trivselhus UK team in delivering high quality, sustainable, Swedish homes into the UK marketplace”

Development Director


“The Continuum team have been part of the successful Wokingham Town Centre regeneration team since 2008 providing a wide range of development advice including land acquisition, procurement and financial viability”

Director of Commercial Property

Wokingham Borough Council

"Continuum have provided advice on a range of projects to Chorley Borough Council and latterly South Ribble. Their expertise in Viability in Planning has been invaluable in helping both Chorley and South Ribble secure much needed affordable housing and s106 contributions from Developers and Housebuilders."

Chief Executive

Chorley Borough Council