
What has become apparent as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic is that social interaction is key to the way we have lived and the way we will live going forward. The leisure sector will be essential in shaping our towns and cities and suburban areas particularly in creating community cohesion.  

The leisure sector has been able to fill part of the space created by the repurposing of town centres and move away from high street retail. We believe leisure will play an integral part in the development schemes moving forward.

The leisure sector has become increasingly important to rural areas through the tourism market that continues to experience growth as demand for experiential activities increases. Tourism contributes to job creation and has acted as an economic stimulus in many areas whilst also serving to enhance the natural environment. Continuum have seen the importance of the leisure sector to tourism and rural economies through our involvement in the Parc Palenna project.

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Asset 2

Parc Pelenna

Neath, Wales

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“Continuum have been an integral part of the Trivselhus UK team in delivering high quality, sustainable, Swedish homes into the UK marketplace”

Development Director


“Continuum have been integral in managing the development process and securing funding for the Godley Green Garden Village project”

Head of Major Programmes

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council

“The Continuum team have been part of the successful Wokingham Town Centre regeneration team since 2008 providing a wide range of development advice including land acquisition, procurement and financial viability”

Director of Commercial Property

Wokingham Borough Council

"Following the appointment of Continuum, their professional and forensic review of viability cases has resulted in the Council being able to robustly challenge developers’ assertions relating to viability."

Head of Major Planning Projects

Trafford Council

"Continuum have provided advice on a range of projects to Chorley Borough Council and latterly South Ribble. Their expertise in Viability in Planning has been invaluable in helping both Chorley and South Ribble secure much needed affordable housing and s106 contributions from Developers and Housebuilders."

Chief Executive

Chorley Borough Council